Wednesday, January 21, 2009

South African's Depending Upon the Environment (Water)

South Africans are depending on the environment nearly every day. South Africans depend on their environment for food supplies, shelter, water, etc. South Africa is now mainly dependent on the environment because of the water shortage. Taps are going dry and many South Africans are dying or getting no ware near the amount of water they need in a day. The South Africans have to depend on the environment to make sure that they get enough water into their wells to have water to live off of. Many pumps now are getting replaced with new pumps put in to control this water crisis and they are called " play pumps ". The play pumps look like a marry-go-round made as a toy for the kids in South Africa because they do not have many toys of their own. The more the pump gets spun in either direction the more clean water that comes out of the ground. The water is then put into a holding tower connected to the pump that stores all the water that has been pumped by the kids. From the holding tower there is a tap that can be used to fill up buckets with clean water. The play pump is also a major source of advertisement. It can advertise many things and can be seen by everyone that uses the pump.The play pump is inexpensive and many celebrities are donating money to make this idea grow. This will also help stop or minimize the cholera crisis and can save many lives.

The people in Zimbabwe are getting infected with this preventable disease, called "cholera". These people are dying by the thousands each day. This disease shuts down your body and vital organs and eventually kills you. This could be prevented just by getting dirty water purified into clean water. Cholera is caused by people drinking other peoples bodily waste. So if you clean the water the disease will be minimized and/or be eliminated. The play pump fixes this problem because it gets clean water easier and much cleaner water than the other pumps. Since the Zimbabweans have the cholera disease the people who have this disease, are fleeing to South Africa because in Zimbabwe the president is doing nothing to help them at all. So the South Africans are getting this disease as well, because it is easily spread throughout people. Before the cholera outbreak the South African's were very dependent on the water and now even more , even though they are dying because of this and because cholera is easily spread through water.

Something to leave you thinking:

1) What would you do if you were in the Zimbabweans place ?

2) What would you do if you were in South Africa and infected people were fleeing into your country ?

3) Do you think this play pump idea will save lives ?

4) What would you do to stay safe if this water crisis was happening to you ?

5) What would you do to clean the infected water you are living off to help prevent the cholera disease?

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